Ableton Live giveaway - how it works

We're delighted to be able to bring you a FREE copy of Ableton Live Intro Edition in partnership with Ableton.
To qualify, just purchase our Getting Started with Electronic Music Production (feat. Rodg) course before 30 April 2020.
Then, just follow the instructions below. Happy music making!
How to get hold of your copy of Ableton Live Intro Edition
- Buy the Getting Started with Electronic Music Production (feat. Rodg) course before 30 April 2020
- We'll send you a confirmation email that contains a link to request your unique code to use when you download Ableton
- If you don't already own a copy of Ableton, click the link in that email to request your free code (if you do already own Ableton, just ignore this email and the steps below)
- You'll be taken to a page that checks your order to ensure it qualifies
- If you see a success message on that page, you'll be sent another email containing your unique code - this is unique to you and shouldn't be shared with anyone else
- Visit the Ableton online store
- Click 'Buy now' on the Intro Edition panel
- When you get to the cart page, click 'Enter coupon code'
- Copy and paste the unique code we sent you into the coupon code box and click 'Apply coupon'
- Check out

100% satisfaction guaranteed.